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Sobre Begonte...

  • Boconti, Bogonti ou Bogonti, aluden seguramente á vila dun tal Bocontio, dono dunha grande explotación rural, sita nesta parte da Terra Chá.

    X. L. Novo Cazón
  • A Begonte este ano iremos
    pra visita-lo Belén;
    de Begonte voltaremos
    encheitos de paz e ben.

    Fiz Vergara Vilariño (1977)
  • Como "POGONTI" aparece Begonte o ano 666, na "Itación" de Wamba. E logo, no 966 no legado que o bispo Sisnando e o seu irmán, o conde Rodrígo Méndez, fan ao mosteiro de Sobrado da "Villa Gundari" (Gondar, en Saavedra) "IN SANCTO PETRO AD BOCONTI" e nun documento de 971, no que se fala da vila de Gaibor "IN BOCONTI".

    Xulio Xiz
Founder & CEO
He began his career as an investment adviser, financial consultant, and mortgage broker, and was also the founder of a business that sold toiletry kits.
Chief Finance Officer
She has a variety of hobbies of activities that he like to partake in, however these skills and talents are nothing compared to his skill in the business arena in the company
VP Sales and Marketing
Over 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship, management, business planning, financial analysis, software engineering, operations, and decision analysis.
Customer Service
Generates organizational mission owner ship by giving employees the power to recommend and assist with developing the needed changes
Human Resources
Generates organizational mission owner ship by giving employees the power to recommend and assist with developing the needed changes
Tax Consultant
Generates organizational mission owner ship by giving employees the power to recommend and assist with developing the needed changes
VP Sales and Marketing
Generates organizational mission owner ship by giving employees the power to recommend and assist with developing the needed changes
Generates organizational mission owner ship by giving employees the power to recommend and assist with developing the needed changes